

FOREST SYMPHONY is a humorous love declaration to Kuhmo, a small town in the Finnish forest. Every year in the summer a renowned festival of chamber music is held there. Musicians and guests from all over the world populate the streets and enjoy the nature. Only Pertte and Lassi, two retired friends, don’t like the hustle and bustle and prefer to spend their time fishing on the lake and in the sauna. Until they have no other choice and are persuaded by their wives to go to a concert…


Authors & Directors: Meri Koivisto, Nils Dettmann
Cinematography: Martin Langner, Nils Dettmann
Original Sound: Magnus Pflüger
Narrator: Meri Koivisto
Sound design: Jürgen Funk
Sound mix: Matthias Schwab
Grading: Jan Hartmann
Title Design: Saba Bussmann
Editors: Meri Koivisto, Nils Dettmann
Producer: Meri Koivisto, Nils Dettmann
Co-Producer: Gregor Streiber, Friedemann Hottenbacher
Produced by: shiny birch productions & inselfilm produktion


Pertti Koivisto, Lassi Heikkinen, Sari Rusanen, Tiina Huotari,
Vladimir Mendelssohn, Yovan Markovitch, Gilles Milet, Vlad Bogdanas,
Marc Danel, Minna Pensola, Antti Tikkanen, Trey Lee, Barbora Hilpo,
Timo Riihonen, Jarkko Kortekangas, Marcelo Nisinman,
Blanca Gleisner, Kyeong Ham

Technical Details

Original title (German): WALD:SINFONIE
Running time: 70 min
Year of Completion: 2023
Country of Production: Germany