
GO CLARA GO - on the art - of living and surviving - at the edge of GDR

A good 50 years ago, a handful of artists declared the former socialist showcase city of Chemnitz an avant-garde happening zone. Whether performances or plein airs, artists’ festivals or cold-needle-etched collective works – the film traces the creative energy of »Karl-Murx-Stadt« with the protagonists of that time. How can the boundaries of the visible and the visible be shifted through art – despite or even because of all resistance?

This is the still explosive question of the film, which reconstructs an extraordinary chapter of East German art history based on the latest archive finds and discovers its living heritage even on the eve of the Capital of Culture Chemnitz2025. “Go Clara Go” tells the story of Clara Mosch from her own perspective – through the eyes of that mysterious art figure that the five artists invented in their struggle against the social realist art doctrine. An ode to creative resistance and a self-assurance of art with poetic filmic means. Captivating and amazingly present.


Author & Director: Sylvie Kürsten
Producer: Gregor Streiber, Friedemann Hottenbacher
Produced by: inselfilm produktion
Co-Developed by: Thomas Beyer, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

Funded by: MV-Filmförderung

Technical Details

Running time: 90 min
Year of Completion: 2025
Country of Production: Germany