

In her first feature length documentary as a director, author and curator, Grit Lemke turns her attention to the life of the cult rock poet and coal excavator driver Gerhard Gundermann, who was initially called »the Bob Dylan of the opencast mine« before becoming the »voice of the East Germans«.


Author & Director: Grit Lemke
DoP: Uwe Mann
Editor: Sven Kulik
Producer: Gregor Streiber
Produced by: inselfilm produktion
In co-production with: mdr & rbb

Technical Details

Running time: 86 min
Year of Production: 2019
Country of Production: Germany
World Premiere: DOK Leipzig Film Festival 2019
Festivals (selection): Dok Leipzig, International Filmfestival Cottbus,
Trieste International Filmfestival, Crossing Europe Linz,
Krakow International Filmfestival, Internationales Frauen Film Fest Dortmund+Köln, Neiße Filmfestival
Awards: Nominated for Grimme Award 2020, ARD Programmprämie 2021
Available now on: DVD, get it on

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